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You must meet the following requirements to order your Aggie Ring:

Undergraduate and Professional/Veterinary Student Requirements

If your first semester enrolled at Texas A&M University was 1/1/94, or after, you must have:
  • 90 earned undergraduate/professional cumulative hours
  • 45 earned undergraduate/professional resident hours
  • 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must not be on academic probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or on honor violation probation from the university.
If your first semester enrolled at Texas A&M University was prior to 1/1/94, you must have:
  • 90 earned undergraduate/professional cumulative hours
  • 30 earned undergraduate/professional resident hours
    • You must have successfully completed a Fall/Spring semester or Summer term (I and II or 10 weeks) as a full-time student prior to 1994 to qualify with 30 TAMU resident hours. A full-time student is defined in the University catalog as one that completes 12 credit hours with a 2.0 GPR in a spring or fall semester; or 4 credit hours with a 2.0 GPR in both summer session I & II for a total of 8 hours; or 8 credit hours and a 2.0 GPR in a 10 week session.
  • 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must not be on academic probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or on honor violation probation from the university.
  • On the main menu, select View Unofficial Transcript
  • Select Display Transcript
  • At the bottom of the page, look at the Transcript Totals section under the Earned Hours column
    • Total Institution (Earned Hours) are your earned undergraduate resident hours
    • Total Transfer (Earned Hours) are the earned transfer hours that count toward your undergraduate cumulative hours 
    • Overall (Earned Hours) are your total earned undergraduate cumulative hours
  • Your cumulative GPA is listed under the Transcript Totals section

Please Note:

  • Only hours that are completed and posted on your Unofficial Transcript will count toward your Ring requirements.
  • Repeated courses only count once toward the Ring requirements. 
  • Credit by Exam hours count as transfer hours.
  • If you believe there is a discrepancy, please scroll through your records to see if all your transfer and TAMU hours have posted.  You may need to contact your advisor for further assistance.

Graduate Student Requirements

Master's Thesis Option
  • Defended Thesis - Due to ordering deadlines, you may order at the beginning of the semester you will graduate. The Aggie Ring Program will review your TAMU records prior to Aggie Ring Day to verify you have defended your thesis.
    • If your TAMU records indicate that you have defended your thesis prior to Aggie Ring Day, your Ring will be delivered as scheduled. 
    • If your TAMU records indicate you have not defended your thesis prior to Aggie Ring Day, your Ring will be held until the qualification is met.
  • Must not be on academic probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or on honor violation probation from the university.

Master's Non-thesis Option

  • 75% of coursework completed for degree program at TAMU (degree plan must be on file with the Office of Graduate Studies)
  • Must not be on academic probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or on honor violation probation from the university.

Ph.D. Students

  • Admitted to Ph.D. candidacy
    • Completion all formal coursework on degree plan, cumulative and degree plan GPA is at least a 3.0, successfully complete the residency requirement, successfully pass preliminary exam and have an approved research proposal on file.
  • Must not be on academic probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or on honor violation probation from the university.

Former Student Requirements

  • Former Students must have a degree from Texas A&M University and be in good standing with the university
    • The Ring Office must check your transcript to verify that your degree was conferred by TAMU.
    • Former student can present their diploma to the Ring Office.
  • Former Students without a Texas A&M undergraduate degree must meet the following requirements:
    • Cumulative Credit Hours
      • 90 earned cumulative undergraduate credit hours reflected on the Texas A&M University record.
        • All undergraduate transfer credit must have been completed and transferred to Texas A&M, BEFORE the last semester of attendance at A&M, to be counted towards the 90 cumulative credit hour requirement unless pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Texas A&M University Health Science Center's Bryan Campus.
        • You cannot transfer hours in after leaving the University to qualify for an Aggie Ring unless pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Texas A&M University Health Science Center's Bryan Campus.
    • Resident Hours
      • Attended after December 31, 1993: 45 earned undergraduate resident hours at Texas A&M University.
      • Attended prior to January 1, 1994: 30 earned undergraduate resident hours at Texas A&M University. You must have successfully completed a Fall/Spring semester or Summer term (I and II or 10 weeks) as a full-time student prior to 1994 to qualify with 30 TAMU resident hours. A full-time student is defined in the University catalog as one that completes 12 credit hours with a 2.0 GPR in a spring or fall semester; or 4 credit hours with a 2.0 GPR in both summer session I & II for a total of 8 hours; or 8 credit hours and a 2.0 GPR in a 10 week session.
      • The last 30 credit hours must be from Texas A&M University.
    • GPR
      • Attended after 5/31/69: 2.00 cumulative GPR (under a four point system) at A&M must be reflected on the Texas A&M University record
      • Attended prior to 6/1/69: 1.00 cumulative GPR (under a three point system) at A&M must be reflected on the Texas A&M University record.
    • Must not have left the university on academic probation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or on honor violation probation.

Non Degree Seeking Students/Certificate Programs

Non-degree seeking students/former students and Certificate Programs do not qualify for an Aggie Ring.

Rules And Regulations

  • Repeat Course Information:
    • A student cannot receive duplicate credit hours for the same course, per Texas A&M University Academic Rules & Regulations, unless the catalog states the course may be repeated for credit.
    • If a course was previously passed at Texas A&M University and a grade of D or better was posted, repeating and passing the course at A&M will only change the GPR.
    • Repeating a course in which a grade of B or better was previously earned will not result in additional grade points, unless the catalog states the course may be repeated for credit.
    • The lowest grade is always the repeated course. In the event a student repeats an A&M course at another institution and makes a higher grade, the A&M course will be deducted as a repeat. If he/she makes the same grade as before, the transfer course will be deducted as a repeat (no credit).
    • The successful repeat of a course(s) in which an I or X is already posted to the A&M transcript, results in no credit hours unless a grade change of F, WF, WP or NG is made for the I or X.
  • Credit by examination, work experience, or military experience is only applicable to cumulative credit hours. These hours cannot be used in the calculation of hours in residence at Texas A&M University.
  • Undergraduate transfer credit may be used towards determining eligibility (they count towards your 90 total hours). Before these hours are counted, the following must happen:
    • The courses are not deducted as a result of being repeats of previously credited courses.
  • In the event an undergraduate student/former student has an undergraduate and graduate student record, the graduate hours and undergraduate hours can combine to meet the 45 Texas A&M resident credit hours and/or 90 total hours required to order an Aggie Ring.

505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

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