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HireAggies Career Services

Getting Started

Most successful job searches are built on a strategy designed to help one methodically identify and secure employment opportunities. This Strategy Page will serve as your base of operations to review key objectives within a successful job search. The Key Steps provide links to information and resources designed to help you accomplish each step to achieve each objective.

As you work your way through this site make sure to capture your questions for the Former Student’s specialists. After answering your immediate questions, we can help you plan and implement your job search to help you identify and secure jobs both in the “wired world” and more importantly in the “hidden job market” where 75% of all jobs exist.

Objectives Key Steps
Set Accounts with key online resources. Set up HireAggies access
Set consultation meeting with Former Student Specialist Team Discuss your questions and needs to fully utilize resources and establish follow-up routine.
Identify and document your strengths, knowledge, skills, accomplishments and experience that could be of value to prospective employers. Build your resume inventory
Build your strongest baseline resume.
Identify and explore types of jobs and industries that align with your interests and long term goals. Explore career aptitude and interests resources.
Identify and research industries and target jobs.
Review company job listings and industry job boards to understand jobs and company needs using Career Shift in HireAggies
Network using informational interviews to understand industries and their marketplace
Secure interviews with hiring managers by identifying and pursuing leads using Human Resources channels and networking contacts to show that you align with the needs and culture of the organization. (Remember 80% of jobs are secured by networking. 20% by job listings!) Review company job listings and industry job boards to identify current opportunities.
Network using informational interviews to identify needs and identify Hidden Job opportunities.
Identify, Understand, and Target hiring managers.
Develop compelling cover letters that get interviews
Manage targeted job resumes to secure interviews
Present “Product You” during the interview to convince hiring authority that you are the best, most cost effective resource to meet their needs. Research company/industry to understand needs.
Practice answering interview questions
Improve interviewing skills with “Career Shift” (located on the bottom of Hire Aggies).
Deliver an exceptional Interview
Dress for Success
Follow-up like the person they want on their Team Follow up Thank You letters and networking notes
Compensation Package Evaluations

505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

© 2025 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University, All Rights Reserved